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Our Females

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Maple Street Sweet Apple

CH. Maple Street Louie X Florence Once Upon a Dream "Flora"

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Maple Street Tennessee

CH. Maple Street Louie X Demi Moore Italian Import "Sylvie"

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Maple Street Violet 

Houndful Hearts Whitler X  Maple Street Sweet Apple "Birdie"


Maple Street X-Ceptional 

CH Maple Street Louie X Demi Moore "Sylvie"


Maple Street Daisy of the Ozarks

CH Maple Street Louie X Contessa Triumpher of the Ozark

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Maple Street Buttercup

Champange Lady Barnetts X HH Pearly Shells

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Maple Street Candyland

Champange Lady Barnetts X Maple Street Sweet Apple "Birdie"

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Baronial's Hermione Granger

Yoda Di Casa Dal Pino X Duchess Josephine (JoJo)


Maple Street Lady

Champangne Lady Barnetts  X Maple Street Daisy of the Ozarks

Coming Soon
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